The RUMORE project is now in phase 2 and implements the envisaged actions!

In the fruitful phase 1 the eight partners exchanged good practices for rural-urban cooperation as well as innovation promotion. Based on this interregional inspiration the partners developed six action plans to improve each a policy instrument in their region. These six action plans were officially approved by the Interreg Europe Programme and are implemented in phase 2.

In practice this means that the project partners try to implement actions from their action plans. You can find the action plans in the library. For example, the Region of Central Macedonia plans to carry out specific add-on activities to the innovation and entrepreneurship support mechanism (especially the One Stop Liaison Office), for which the partner organisation has received vast inspiration from the Lombardy Region in phase 1 during the exchange of good practices. Another example is the Lombardy Region which implements the action “Agro-Creative matches” as active collaboration between agricultural entrepreneurs and creative & cultural enterprises. This action in turn was inspired by a good practice AgroDesignCluster in Thessaloniki (Region of Central Macedonia). In both regions, the RUMORE partners will improve with the actions the regional operational programme for the ERDF.

In addition, the partners monitor the implementation of these actions. This can be e.g. by calling the responsible stakeholders and ask them about the progress, by arranging personal discussions, or sending out emails and e.g. questionnaires.

On interregional level the RUMORE partners virtually meet and update each other about their progress, achievements, and barriers. In October 2020, along with the ERIAFF conference in Thessaloniki, the partners will come together and exchange in person.

Picture by skeeze/pixabay