To discuss interests, aims and possible activities of all regional stakeholders was the main target of the first stakeholder group meeting in Lüneburg (Germany). On the 7th of April 2017 the Office for Regional Development (ArL) invited local organisations to get actively involved in the RUMORE project. The meeting brought together representatives of the district administrations, regional development agencies as well as research and development institutions.
After a welcome speech by Jutta Schiecke, Head of Office for Regional Development, Dr. Monika von Haaren from the State Chancellery Lower Saxony presented the Interreg Europe Programme and gave an overview of the Multi-fund Operational Programme of Lower Saxony. Following this, Insa Schwob from ArL introduced all stakeholders to the RUMORE project, its objectives and main activities. In the following interactive session, the stakeholders discussed how they can contribute to and benefit from the project. They identified the main challenges the region faces in terms of regional innovation and collected various ideas for possible fields of action. For example the need for closer cooperation across the administrative borders of Hamburg and Lower Saxony and for innovative communication networks in the region.
The regional stakeholders see RUMORE as a chance to have an impact on the future design of the Multi-fund Operational Programme. They all confirm the importance of intensified rural-urban relations for the future development of the regional economy. Inspired by some first good practices of the partners, the stakeholders are looking forward to getting new ideas from the partner regions. They are all kindly invited to provide their input and ideas on how to better integrate the rural areas in the regional economy and to improve the innovation system in the region of Lüneburg.