IT solutions and 4.0 industry - SCALE UP project workshops 

On the 11th of May in Lublin (Poland), online workshops concerning the integration of IT solutions and 4.0 industry were held. The meeting was organised in the frame of the SCALE UP project. The workshop was run by Wojciech Ziaja - Consulting Services Director - BPC Group Poland, an expert for supporting SMEs and corporations in the selection and implementation of advanced IT tools. During the workshop, the expert presented the market of IT solutions (with particular attention paid to production companies), the process of computerisation of production sector in Poland thereby giving examples of technologies and solutions, as well as integration of management production systems and planning company resources (access to production information ). The workshop participants also had a chance to get familiar with the flow of information in the dispersed IT and business structure with the use of ECM/Workflow/BPM tools, automation of data flow between IT environments using various tools (API, EDI, B2B, ESB/SOA, RPA) and integration of project environment with the production and cost part (CAx, PLM, PDM solutions).

The participants of the workshop were entrepreneurs and representatives of universities and business environment institutions from the Lubelskie Region.