Ideas powered for business website - now online!

SCALE UP consortium would like to inform you about interesting new project Ideas Powered for Business website to help SME´s to protect their intellectual property (IP) business rights. 

The Ideas Powered for Business website approach is to create and actualize a unique and reliable online platform offering information and access to several sources related to IPThe aim of the website is to host any IP related information useful for any EU SMEs, including beginners and start-ups as well as more advanced SMEs, to provide a better understanding of business intellectual property assets through different sections. You will find different step-by-step guides to identify where to begin a project, and a visualisation map of public and private EU entities to find support at local, national and European level and facilitate the connections. It also contains a tools and training section where you can find the most relevant (free) courses from trusted sources to cover the development and needs of businesses in different areas such as finance and funding, protecting business ideas, trade or legal support. Last but not least, the website contains information to find and book events and webinars that will be interesting to SMEs, together with world IP-related news.

This new strategic project material and tools is provided by EUIPN, the regional and national intellectual property offices, and Ideas Powered for business network members.