In the afternoon of the 16th January, the SCALE UP’ project partner Lubelskie region organized two study visits. The project partners had the opportunity to visit the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin and the Parla Browary Lubelskie S.A. The Centre for the Meeting of Cultures was built as a space of meetings and as culture place in Lublin. It is a brand-new platform for the promotion and dissemination of culture, offering a place to the debate about cultural relations. The heart of the building is the opera hall which is fully equipped to host a wide range of events.

The Centre for the Meeting of Cultures also works as a hub of creative life, providing space for NGOs, musicians, theatre practitioners and visual artists as well as accommodating an arthouse cinema. The Centre’s cultural inventory includes permanent exhibitions dedicated to the cultures of the world or to stage technology as well as unique temporary exhibitions created in partnership with leading Polish and international galleries and museums.


The Perla Browary Lubelskie S.A is a Polish brewery. It was founded in 1844 in the abandoned ruins of a monastery. The brewery was nationalized during the polish communism government and in 1992 the company was privatized and became a joint stock company. In 2001, the brewing operations were moved to the second site and the first site became a corporate headquarters. Perła currently owns two breweries, one in Lublin and one in Zwierzyniec. It is available in UK, US, Germany and Australia and is the largest independent brewery in Poland. The Perla brewery is an example of a good practice on business concentration and advanced marketing activities.

In the last day, the 17th January, the Lubelskie region also organized a study visit to the NLab Nevada –Lubelskie Acceleration Bridge where the SCALE UP consortium had the possibility to see how concretely the local authorities are helping local SMEs grow up in the international market.

In particular, the SCALE UP project partners visited the Pro-Project, a company specialized in quality assurance and quality control of medical imaging and radiotherapy devices that thanks to its participation to this Acceleration Bridge was able to expand its sales in the U.S.-American market.