Last year in these days POTEnT partners met for the first time in Lorient (France) for the kick off meeting hosted by the coordinator ALOEN.

Many things happened in the last 12 months, and partners never stopped working on POTEnT activities also in the last months during the lockdown. Let’s look back to the first year of the project, and have a look ahead to what awaits partners in the second year of implementation.  

12 months full of events  

POTEnT project had a good start and a first year rich of activities and interregional exchange opportunities. After the kick off meeting, during the autumn and winter partners were involved in a very rich calendar of events and meetings to define learning needs, objectives, expertise seeked and good practices offered.  

The first thematic event in Pamplona officially initiated the Interregional Learning process: all partners clearly set their learning needs and refined their policy improvement goals. Mentoring days have been the second step of the process where partners reviewed their priorities, learning needs and objectives with the adivisory partner, Erasmus University. In parallel, partners formed a Good Practices register with 49 good practices on different topics related to energy transition. These good practices have been the basis for the series of online events hold in June and July: Erasmus University organised 8 thematic events on different topics (“Awareness among citizens and other stakeholders”, “Data and monitoring”, “Governance tools”, “Energy efficiency of buildings”, “Training”, “Sustainable mobility”, “Circular economy” and “Development of energy communities”) which were attended by the partners according to their identified priorities.  

What’s next?  

After the summer break, interregional learning activities will continue with study visits: each partner will attend at least 3 study visits, online or in person, to study the good practices identified during the thematic events as more relevant for the Regional Action Plan. Study visits are a fundamental activity to have a first hand experience of the measures realised by the other project partners; techinicians, politicians and members of the stakeholders groups will be attending the visits to ensure a multilevel learning and foster the cooperation at local level.