40Ready partners keep working on implementation activities and monitoring their Action Plans. This was the purpose of the online meeting held today on the Zoom platform. Specifically, the meeting focused on two points: presenting implemented activities and problems/successes and subsequent follow-up.
Each region introduced the implemented activities until October 2022 at the regional level to carry out their APs. Partners summarized in a roundtable format (5 minutes each) their actions, highlighting the implementation status and stakeholder engagement for each planned Action.
Each region was then asked to present monitoring indicators elaborating on, for example, stakeholder involvement, timing, financial resources, and results. In addition to this, noteworthy case studies were presented in terms of problems encountered/resolved or success.
In addition to these main topics, there was also an introduction to the final project conference to be held in spring 2023 in Florence. The partners were informed of the generic descriptive guidelines of the event: suggestions on which subjects would be interesting to involve, information on the budget, and what goal is to be achieved with such an event.
Some pictures of the event are made available on the official Twitter account.