On the verge of regaining daily life normality, the most important energy event in the region took place in November 2021, EXPOENERGEA. It was a face-to-face event co-organized by the regional energy agency (AGENEX) and the regional energy cluster, and with the support of other public institutions.

One of the main goals of this edition was to spread out ground-breaking ideas within the renewable energy sector. Due to the COVID 19 situation, as well as the onsite event, the conferences were streamed virtually, allowing thousands of people from Spain and abroad to follow the event online.

The event was composed by different sessions and formats:

  1.  Thematic seminars that addressed the energy aspects in buildings, including the announcement of a new ONE STOP SHOP to be launched in 2022 to provide citizens with advice on public support for energy projects. Another relevant topic was the one dealing with the potential of Energy Communities and the benefits of developing this model in the region.
  2. Round tables focusing on the challenges and opportunities of renewable self-consumption and green hydrogen. In both cases, each working group was composed by key stakeholders and experienced actors in each technological field.
  3. The exhibition area that focused on the energy and the construction sector, where new technologies and machinery were exposed. Thanks to two main projects, INNOINVEST and LOCALCIR co-financed by the European regional development fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG V-A Spain and Portugal program (POCTEP) 2014-2020, AGENEX was within the stands area, gathering information from citizens and spreading the benefits of renewable energy in buildings. This was a great opportunity for ENERSELVES project to attract new stakeholders, present the project and its objectives, and to better understand how COVID is affecting the self-consumption development in Extremadura.

Finally, the event ended with the award ceremony in which companies and entrepreneurs from different sectors were awardees.