During this period, the North-East Regional Development Agency focused on an event for stimulation and awareness of stakeholders group in the North-East Region of Romania: nZEB Roadshow.

The nZEB Roadshow Caravan was an event that took place from June 29 - July 2, 2022, Palas Mall Central Garden, Iasi, Romania and focused on nZEB and houses with almost zero energy consumption, which brought together experts in the fields of construction and energy efficiency, providers of solutions, and technologies for the realization of buildings with high energy performance.

This event brought additional valuable and certified information for increased awareness and training of all interested stakeholders in the region. The North-East Regional Development Agency widely disseminated the event.

The event brought together expert discussions on the nZEB standard, energy-efficient and passive houses, innovative materials, and solutions used to achieve the nZEB standard in construction.

The activities included in the program were designed to facilitate a better understanding of the new energy performance requirements of buildings (nZEB) and to prepare both the main players in the construction sector and future generations for the development of a sustainable built environment.

The purpose of the caravan was to inform, provide advice, present effective solutions to achieve the nZEB standard, and implicitly build better. It was a free entry event for all those who wanted to know how to have a better, more efficient home, how to reduce energy costs, or how to join professionals in the field. And especially it was an event for those who work in any specialization in the field of construction, for those who build houses, renovate, recondition.

Specialized companies in the field of construction and energy efficiency met under the organization of the Pro-nZEB Cluster to inform, provide advice and present effective solutions in the field. For 4 days there were workshops, presentations, and discussions, sessions to present the principles of nZEB, workshops to train professionals for nZEB, practical demonstrations, and site tours of low-energy homes. Those who are preparing to join the professionals in the field were able to participate in dedicated workshops. The participants received advice from the best specialists in the field, engineers, designers, energy auditors, and passive house builders and discovered solutions and technologies to the nZEB standard. They were able to learn about prefabricated structures for house construction, the energy performance of buildings, heat pumps, ventilation solutions with heat recovery, renewable energy, heating systems and insulation, airtight solutions and removal of thermal bridges, installation solutions doors and windows to the standard of passive houses, about the energetic conformation of the building, how to insulate the house, how to seal it, how to build correctly.

The activities included in the program were intended to facilitate a better understanding of the new requirements on the energy performance of buildings (nZEB) and to prepare both the main actors in the construction sector and future generations for the development of a sustainable built environment.

Author: Madalina Vitelaru.