The recently published “Manual for sustainable and circular construction”, has been produced along the 3-year-duration of Enerselves, on the base of monthly meetings co-organised by Energy Agency of Southeast Sweden and Blekinge’s County Board. The manual is a tool for project managers, as its main goal is allowing public decision-takers understand how different regulations and legal changes, affect the production, storage and use of electricity. The activity also addresses the potential of digitization. The manual was further discussed on the annual meeting “Energiting Sydost” which is a full-day conference focusing on sustainable development.
On Dec. 1st 2021, the agency held a webinar linked to the production, storage and use of electricity and the effects that regulations, taxes and energy costs have on them. Info about investments and about the development of solar energy were also discussed.
The agency foresees to hold a webinar on electricity self-consumption in tourism and a solar cell safari in the coming months.
Image: Copyright for Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden