Experts and project partners from Malta, Sweden, Italy and Spain visited Świętokrzyskie Region (Kielce and Busko-Zdrój) to exchange experiences related to energy efficiency in public buildings as well as renewable energy sources

The meeting took place in the ENERGIS building belonging to the Świętokrzyskie University of Technology, which is a self-sufficient energy facility itself, granted from Regional Operational Programme. The conference was opened by Grzegorz Gałuszka, Chairman of the Commission for Strategy Development, Promotion and International Cooperation. Then Jerzy Zbigniew Piotrowski, Head of the Department of Building Physics and Renewable Energy discussed the functioning of the ENERGIS building, and also gave a practical presentation of the installation in the building.
 The meeting was attended by Świętokrzyskie entrepreneurs, who took part in the business mission to ASTANA EXPO 2017, World Exposition whose main theme was Future Energy and renewable energy efficiency.

Besides, the stakeholders involved in the project implementation had the opportunity to share their experiences on the subject of self-efficiency in buildings and they presented their companies and products contributing to self-efficiency in buildings and energy efficiency. Marek Popowicz from ECO VOLTAIKA presented an energy efficient car with roof-mounted photovoltaic panels. He also showed innovative installations using renewable energy sources for utility purposes. The broad offer and innovative technological solutions were also presented by Sylwia Stelmaszczyk from Ekoenergia Polska, Łukasz Kalina from EnerkoEnergy, Łukasz Koziołek from 4Industry, Paweł Woyczyński from BikoSerwis and Katarzyna Ambroz from Eko Palnik.

One of the points of the program of the expert meeting was the presentation of Michał Zatorski from the Academy of Entrepreneurship in Skarżysko Kamienna, who talked about the need for professional training of personnel in the field of renewable energy sources in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship. It turned out that some companies, such as Enerko Energy in 90% employ graduates of the Świętokrzyskie University of Technology.

Second day

On 13th September project partners met in Busko-Zdrój to discuss the project issues such as indicators and deadlines within the project, how the first semester in each partner country was performed. The partners also discussed the future obligations and plans for the next semesters. Rachel Tully and Javier Ordoñez from Extremadura Energy Agency, the project leaders, presented statistics and feedback from the first semester and the project outcomes achieved so far and planned for the future. 

Then there was a study visit to see good practice on the topic of renewable energy sources and self-sufficiency in public buildings in Busko Zdrój and the Kazimierz district, as the spa buildings belonging to the Spa of Busko-Zdrój S.A. Wojciech Legawiec, "Krystyna" Hospital of Complex Rehabilitation, as well as heating installations of the Agricultural School in Cudzynowice.

You can see a photo gallery here