Sardinia faces Europe in terms of energy efficiency in public administration buildings. It does so with projects and good practices involving the Region, regional authorities and agencies, municipalities, trade associations, regional social services organizations and schools. All within ENERSELVES, a project of which the partner for the energy service and the green economy of the industrial department, whose objective is to promote new actions financed by European structural and investment funds and to improve the existing ones to support the integration of renewable energy in public buildings. The project, which involves Lazio and five regions of Spain, Sweden, Poland, Malta and Romania, was presented in Arborea, in the presence of the Minister of Industry, Maria Grazia Piras, before an audience composed of local administrators and a representative of middle school students, during one of the seven international events scheduled until September 2018.
"The topics of energy efficiency must become more and more an object of interest for the new generations, events like today are essential to transmit to children and their families a message of education for saving and environmental sustainability", said Councilor Piras in his speech.
"Saving energy, creating smart grids for energy distribution and improving the quality of the environment, starting with public buildings, municipalities, universities and schools: this is what the Region is doing and plans to do with the interventions and resources that are fully integrated in the direction outlined by the Environmental Energy Plan, Sardinia has anticipated the measures contained in the national energy strategy for the reconstruction of public buildings focused on efficiency and self-consumption, also through a more effective participation of L'ESCO To reduce by 50% the emissions associated with the climate associated with consumption by 2030, he added, we need the collaboration of all: public bodies, businesses and citizens. Improving the energy performance of public buildings means promoting good practices and using innovative technologies, resources put in place by The Council is enormous and we have allocated 45 millions of euros for energy efficiency measures in public buildings and for the construction of micro networks for public facilities in the regional territory. Another 2 million euros were spent on the energy audit of companies, with offers for over 70 companies. With almost € 7.5 million, the councilor reminded us, we allow the municipalities that already have renewable energy production to be equipped with energy storage to make the most of the energy produced. Another strategic and innovative intervention, already contemplated in PEARS, refers to the two Smart Communities of Benetutti and Berchidda, the only two countries in Sardinia with its own electricity grid, in which the smart grids will be built. Another example of good practices financed with 11 million from the Region - added the Councilor Piras - is the experimental solar concentration plant of Ottana, a platform open to applied research which is an example of what can be done with the development of Smart Grid inside industrial areas. Finally, projects on electric mobility deserve mention. In recent days, we approved the guidelines for the preparation of the Plan and the proposal for a program agreement to be signed with the local authorities involved. We foresee an initial expenditure of 15 million euros, with which we encourage local administrations to buy electric vehicles and guarantee the construction of infrastructures along the main roads and in areas with the highest population density ".
The experience, as highlighted during the Arborea initiative, has a total duration of 48 months in the four-year period 2017-2020. The participation of 175 interested parties is foreseen in the 7 regions involved, 37 international events and local dissemination, the identification of 110 good practices that will be collected in a guide in which at least 10 regional actions will be chosen. The final part of the project includes the implementation of a local action plan, with one or more interventions, which must be financed with Community resources by the POR Sardinia. The natural continuation of the Foster En Med project, financed with the ENPI Cuenca Mediterránea 2007-2013 program, within which it was carried out in Cagliari.