On 23 and 24 May took place the Finerpol project (Financial Instruments for Energy Renovation Policies) launch event. The event was attended by various stakeholders in the sector, such as financial institutions, investment funds, representatives of public institutions, energy agencies, press and private developers.
The overall objetive of FINERPOL, is to promote in the partners’ areas new policies, or improvement of existing ones, aimed at the creation of new funding instruments that finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in buildings, especially Financial Instruments supported by ERDF funds and integrated with EC funding iniciatives, such as EFSI (Plan Junker), financial institutions and the European Investment Bank (EIB), providing lending to property developers and owners.
FINERPOL Project, coordinated by Agenex and launched in Badajoz, is formed by a consortium of nine partners active at European level and representing different stakeholders in the sector. The project partners are: Extremadura Enegy Agency, Extremadura Regional Government, Plymouth City Council, Managing Autorithy of Regional Operational Programme of Western Macedonia Region, City of Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Technical University in Prague, Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Baden Württemberg, Intelligence and Innovation Centre, Autonomous Province of Trento.
The launch event included the Project meeting, technical exposure visits and the Interregional Event "New financial instruments for energy renovations". More than 50 representatives of governments, financial institutions and the building sector met in Mérida, in order to share experiences of other countries that already use instruments allowing long-term financing private sector.
FINERPOL project is co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Territorial Cooperation Programme INTERREG EUROPE, with more than 1 million Euros of budget allocation. The project is expected to last 48 months (until 2020).