The Extremadura Energy Agency (AGENEX) has organized in Merida an international event, belonging to the european project FINERPOL, with the aim of create a private investment fund in Extremadura for the energy rehabilitation of households and for buildings of the third sector, industry and commerce, mainly.
The event, has been called "New financial instruments for energy rehabilitation", was took place in Mérida, with the presence of more than 50 representatives of public administrations, fnancial entities and national and international building and rehabilitation companies, in order to share experiences from countries that are already using instruments that allow long-term financing of the private sector.
Also, they has showed diferent financial tools and examples of energy rehabilitation like the Andalusian Urban Development Fund and enterprises promotion like Jeremie or Guarantee Line SME initiative.
The event was opened by the Director General of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Junta de Extremadura, Olga Garcia.
She explained that the aim of the EU is to ensure that the structural funds serve to increase private investment.
Javier Ordoñez, head of the International Project Area has assisted in representation of Agenex, and he said that through the Finerpol project seeks to promote energy rehabilitation in Extremadura with funds from Junker Plan, financial institutions and the European Investment Bank to revive the construction sector, facilitating lending to property developers, to their owners.
During the two years of development of the European project Finerpol "we will define the specific needs of Extremadura, we will know successful models in other countries and we will adapt it, to copy them in the region in order to change subsidies repayable instrument financing based on private investment. "
Meanwhile, Olga Garcia announced that the Junta de Extremadura establishes two lines of support, one to energy rehabilitation (responsibility of the General Direction of Architecture) and other projects designed for energy saving and efficiency that targets the industrial sector.
She specified that are finalizing the design of the aid, under FEDER 2014-2020.
In this way both Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and public administrations should make an energy audit to determine the actions to be performed and the amount of aid.
The European project FINERPOL - Financial Instruments for Energy Policy Renewal is funded by the European Interreg program with about 2 Million euro.