Representatives from regional governments, managing authorities, municipalities and ministries, energy sector companies, banks, universities and NGOs will converge on Gdansk at the end of the month for an International Conference which looks to drive innovation in the energy sector.
The International Conference on Financial Instruments for Energy Renovations will take place on Tuesday 30 May 2017 in the unique setting of the Polish Baltic Philharmonic in Gdansk. The conference is about driving improvement through the sharing the experience of Polish and European experts in financing energy efficiency, renewable energy investment and refurbishment projects.
The first speaker of the conference will be a representative of Office of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship This will be followed up by presentations by the European Investment Bank and the Polish development bank, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) about specific instruments and achievements in Pomorskie region. In the second part energy and financial specialists will present and discuss in detail specific successfully implemented projects.
The event is organised by the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Technical University in Prague within the Interreg Europe project FINERPOL. The EU project FINERPOL, "New Growth & Jobs policies combining ERDF funds with Financial Instruments (FIs) for energy investment in buildings" is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project aims to improve existing approaches to financing energy efficiency projects, particularly those supported by ERDF and the European Commission.
The conference language is English with a simultaneous interpretation in and from Polish.