The capital city of Prague hosted the partners of the European project Interreg Europe FINERPOL in the date of 21st September to 23rd Septemeber. In these days, there was also held an important conference on “Attractiveness and Use of Financial Instruments in the Czech Republic”.
Finerpol is a partnership project, where actively cooperate nine institutions from EU countries. Project and individual conferences held in each partner country enable the public authorities across the Europe to exchange experience, ideas and innovative solutions concerning the modus operandi of public policies and the creation of financial instruments, mainly supported by the ERDF and European Commision for Energy Investments in Buildings.
Based on the analysis of nearly one hundred examples of best practice and financial instruments in seven regions, but also more than 30 meetings of partners and stakeholders in the field of inter-regional transfer of experience, Action plans will be created. It will include the improved definitions of financial instruments and their implementation will be monitored and evaluated during the next two years. The Platform thus provides the scope for finding solution and improvements, particularly in development strategies. The other objective of the project is also contribution to better operational programs implementation by its outputs, like f.e. the involvement of key local stakeholders from the private, academic and public sphere to the dialogue, from which subsequent solutions and recommendations are generated.
“We have a very interesting opportunity to participate in this international project that should bring many important outcomes for improvements to our operational program. In the first project meeting in Merida, there was an interesting range of entities who brought the useful contribution to to field during their expert debate. The Prague Interregional event will surely continue in this trend.” said Jan Hauser, the Director of the European Funds Department of City of Prague.
Project Finerpol is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under territorial cooperation INTERREG EUROPE with a budget allocation of more than one million euros. Total duration of the project is 48 months, termination is scheduled for 2020. The project coordinator is a Spanish company Extremadura Energy Agency. The project also involves other agencies and governing bodies from Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Germany.
Consortium members are: Extremadura Enegy Agency, Extremadura Regional Government, Plymouth City Council, Managing Autorithy of Regional Operational Programme of Western Macedonia Region, City of Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Baden Württemberg, Intelligence and Innovation Centre and Autonomous Province of Trento
Provider: EFRR – Interreg Europe
Duration of the project: 1. 4. 2016 - 31. 3. 2020
Partners: Extremadura Enegy Agency, Extremadura Regional Government, Plymouth City Council, Managing Autorithy of Regional Operational Programme of Western Macedonia Region, City of Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Climate Protection and Energy Agency of Baden Württemberg, Intelligence and Innovation Centre and Autonomous Province of Trento.