AGENEX took part on 5 October in the first Exchange Seminar "Innovative Financial Instruments for Sustainable Energy", held in Seville as part of the transnational exchange program of the EMPOWERING Project  

Representatives of several regional partners and experts in financing of energy projects attended the seminar, where Extremadura Energy Agency (AGENEX) presented the main aspects of some specific projects, all of them concerned with innovative financing. 


FINERPOL project has an allocation of € 1.6 million, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Territorial Cooperation Program INTERREG EUROPE. It comprises 9 partners and aims to promote new policies or improve existing ones in order to create financial instruments for financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in buildings.


REHABILITE, belonging to the first Interreg SUDOE call, which also involves other organizations from Spain, Portugal and France, aims to promote a financial structure and technical support for energy renewal and incorporation of renewable energies in public and private buildings. The project has a budget of € 1.6 million until 2018, financed with ERDF Funds through the Interreg SUDOE Program.


AGENEX also presented ENERINVEST Project or "Spanish Platform for Sustainable Energy Financing". It is a national reference platform for financing Sustainable Energy Projects; an space of information, meeting and dialogue among the main players in the sector, whose objective is to provide technical, legal and financial solutions to energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, both issues promoted by the public and the private sector.