The tenth edition of the Heritage Management and Restoration Fair (AR&PA 2016) ended last November 13 after four "success days" where near

20,000 people have approached the Miguel Delibes Cultural Center, in Valladolid.

There, HERICOAST had the opportunity to present the project, explaining its objectives, activities and expected results in a specific stand located in the space dedicated to INNOVATION.  

Institutions, experts and public in general approached to the area to know more about the project, highlighting the group of students from the Master in Management and Evaluation of Cultural Heritage offered by the University of Salamanca interested in interregional cooperation

One of the main achievements of this edition has been to attract new audiences, and that 'more than 2,000 young people and children' have come to take an interest in the 'rich heritage of the Community

The place of celebration has been "ideal", as it achieves a cultural symbiosis between "different forms of knowledge " such as music, theater, dance and artistic heritage and where "everyone" has been able to express their "ideas and Concerns”