The main outputs of these project results have been evaluated, identifying those learning activities already developed by other partnerships that could be a reference for the iBuy project. Furthermore, the information obtained will be considered for developing IPP policies in each partner region.
All partners have gathered learnings from the projects and stated their vision, resulting in following common gaps or interests being identified:
Strategic use of procurement: Procurement should not be faced and managed as a legal issue but a strategic tool helping to achieve different targets of public policies through innovation goal drivers. Sustainability is one of the powerful innovation drivers identified. A good approach is a clear top management framework, promoting the switch from prescriptive procurement, to objective orientated or performance orientated procurement.
Capacity building, services and tools: Tools, as good practices manuals, and services, to support the preparation of preliminary phases of the procurement process, should be at disposal of procurers and need owners in order to fulfil lack of information and competencies.
Market consultation: Structured procedures for open market consultations would benefit the procurers. This is a fundamental requirement for procurement of innovation, to gain market insights on the state of the art of technology and future developments in a certain domain.
Market engagement: The regular involvement with the market in innovation procurement has been recognised as an enormous advantage for both demand and supply sides. It is not unusual that public procurers have a cautious feeling when “innovation” is associated to “procurement” due to the perception that will end up in a higher costing solution. On the other hand, buyers often fail to clearly communicate their needs and do not take sufficient activities to inform supply side.