iBuy partners met in Bucharest on the 25-26 June to discuss the progress of the project and to exchange their views on the importance of producing an open library for PPI.
Partners discussed about the main needs of procurers and the PPI ecosystem in general, regarding soft guidance and support literature contents. There was a common understanding about the importance of having a harmonisation of concepts and definitions related to the innovation procurement. Therefore, it was decided that the library should include a module written in English dedicated to concepts and definitions.
Each partner had the opportunity to describe the background and context of PPI capacity building support available at national level. Based on this description, partners shared what they had considered were the main needs and opportunities concerning PPI guidance contents.
One of the main references agreed to work as a source of contents is the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (eafip) Toolkit, which aims to provide support to policy makers in designing PCP and PPI strategies, and to procurers and their legal departments in implementing such procurements.
During the meeting, and among other possible sources, each partner has chosen chapters or part of chapters to translate in respective national languages in order to contribute to the PPI open library.