On Friday 11 June, the 4th stakeholders meeting in Navarra was held. The focus was life cycle approaches in public procurement and 21 participants attended the meeting. All the experiences learned during the transnational learning journey within the partnership project were transfered: the situation on green public procurement in Slovenia, Finland and Lithuania; a collaborative platform with green clauses ready to use from France, concrete cases of public procurement from Finland, Portugal, Lombardy, Slovenia, Poland and Navarra (Sustainable and healthy menus in the Municipal Nursery Schools and street cleaning service of Pamplona); a final remark on how life cycle thinking is embedded in European policies and the different tools for green public purchases on the European Commission website.

The Purchase Director of the Public Corporation of Companies in Navarra presented several cases of green public purchases and a new tender that is going to launch with a life cycle cost (LCC) inspiration aspect from a Slovenian tender. 

From a discussion arose that planning and identifying key expenses that can be easily implemented with green criteria are two strategic points. Also, the use of standardized labels or system in tenders. 

To conclude the meeting, the next topic of the project was presented, training and capacity building on life cycle approach, and the four good practices that Navarra is going to share with the other 6 regions: 

  • “Business Models in the Circular Economy” course by Sustainn, where it is used a methodology to integrate the economic, environmental and social aspects (LCSA=LCC + LCA + SLCA) 
  • Life cycle courses by the Industrial Association of Navarra - AIN, where it is presented the life cycle assessment methodology, its approach within the ISO 14001:2015, regulatory framework and how to calculate the carbon footprint 
  • The webinars and practice courses by the Navarra Employment Service - SNE on how to calculate the carbon footprint of a product service or organization 
  • The new University Master Degree in Circular Economy by the Campus Iberus (Public University of Navarra, University of La Rioja, University of Zaragoza and University of Lleida) where life cycle approaches and eco-design are essential. 

Find the presentation of the event here.