The members of LCA4Regions team in Lodzkie took part in an online training course on public procurement on  17 February 2021. Entitled: "Environmental aspects in procurement proceedings and the application of available LCC tools and methods in public procurement" it was organised by the Polish Public Procurement Office under the project "Professionalization of staff in public procurement".

The aim of the training was to disseminate information on the possibility of taking environmental aspects into account as part of contract award procedures, to present examples of implementing green public procurement, and to popularise related tools. It covered such topics as:

  • Legislation related to green public procurement;
  • LCC calculators;
  • Energy efficiency and public procurement;
  • Energy efficiency of office computer equipment;
  • Energy efficiency in buildings;
  • Eco-labelling of energy-related products;
  • Eco-labelling of tyres;
  • Non-price environmental bid evaluation criteria for the purchase of road transport vehicles;
  • Examples of environmental bid evaluation criteria under public procurement law;
  • Possibilities of using environmental labels as part of tender evaluation criteria;
  • Life cycle costing;
  • Environmental requirements for contract performance;
  • Practical application of the LCC calculation methodology for buildings.

The added value to the project activities was the possibility of establishing contacts with LCA experts cooperating with Polish Public Procurement Office in the context of implementing energy efficiency in GPP. Thanks to this, we were able to enrich our good practices presented at TLJ 4 in Slovenia and Lodzkie will also receive substantive support in the September TLJ5 on LCA in training and capacity building.

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash