The fourth issue of the Life cycle Catalyst is out, have a look at it!

Closing an eventful first half of the year, the LCA4Regions partners are heading towards holidays. It will be a well-deserved rest, after a peer-review session analysing the Lithuanian policy context and a Transnational Learning Journey (TLJ) in Slovenia on LCA for green public procurement. But that is not all! Partners in all corners of Europe worked hard not only to spread the use of life cycle methods when conceiving and implementing public policies but also to deepen their knowledge on the topic. Like that, the LCA4Regions in Lodzkie joined a training course on GPP and the Pyhäjärvi Institute, the Government of Navarre, and the Kaunas University of Technology enrolled in a course on food sustainability. Be sure that they will share with you what they learnt. 13 Good Practices, showcasing success stories on partners’ territories, have been added to the database. If you want to find concrete examples of LCA in buying green vehicles – for example – have a look at them.

We hope that you will reload your batteries during the summer as a busy autumn is ahead of us with no less than two TLJs planned. The first one on the last week of September will investigate LCA for training and capacity-building. Two months after, evaluation and monitoring for LCA will be on the menu. Each time partners will make sure to look for and share Good Practices on the topic. Together with the ones already published they will be part of a Good Practice Guide. Without forgetting the bi-annual meetings gathering partners’ Regional Stakeholders and some celebration for the two years of the project. A busy autumn ahead of us, as we said!

Discover the Life Cycle Catalyst #4 here!