The LCA4Regions partners continue their journey!

Luggage from summer vacation is not even back in the closet yet that the LCA4regions partners are already preparing their next stop. They will explore the Lodzkie region in Poland and turn their attention towards a key topic for spreading life cycle assessment (LCA): training and capacity building.

While the potential of LCA for sustainable development makes no doubt for experts in the field – including LCA4Regions partners! – it is in some cases relatively unknown, especially from industry and government. Many studies, good practices and success stories exist to demonstrate the benefits of LCA, but are they effectively shared? To promote LCA, it is important to reflect on how to build a critical mass of people with the right capacities. Regional authorities have a role to play in developing LCA, and so have science and education.

During three days partners will meet to answer questions such as what is an adequate training in LCA, are the current approaches effective, which means are currently existing, are they the right ones to promote LCA, which are the suitable cooperations for the development of LCA? Participants will exchange ideas to increase the effectiveness of capacity building and share examples of successful trainings.

This fifth Transnational Learning Journey, hosted by the Lodzkie region, will start on 28 September and conclude on 30 September. It will be open to all, so make sure you already save the date!

Photo by Jacques Bopp on Unsplash