To prepare for the upcoming TLJ, a series of articles presents the policy context of the Lodzkie Region. This is the fifth and final episode, presenting a SWOT analysis of the region. The other episodes we

  1. The national level
  2. The regional level
  3. Training and capacity building
  4. Public procurement



SWOT analysis

The key elements of the SWOT analysis of the Lodzkie Region are detailed in the table below.



  • active participation in a number of international projects on circular economy;
  • management by the Board of the Lodzkie Region of the Regional Operational Programme;
  • ongoing contacts with the business community, stakeholders and the regional community - consultations with the public;
  • access to various statistics and databases helpful in diagnosing circular economy and potential opportunities for LCA e.g. Database on products and packaging and waste management, structural funds;
  • inclusion of green criteria in public tenders conducted by the Lodzkie Region in order to promote products and services with a lower environmental impact during their life cycle and to encourage entrepreneurs to apply environmental criteria;
  • large number of existing legal acts and documents at the national level (laws, resolutions, strategies, programmes) referring to circular economy and sustainable development, which directly affect the regions or constitute guidelines for policy-making by regional governments;
  • possibility of direct influence on regional policy by the Marshal's Office through Regional Programme co-financed from EU funds;
  • the capital city of the region is a strong academic and scientific centre.

  • complex and long-lasting process of introducing changes in the regional policy instruments due to the division of competencies and participation of decision-making entities other than the Marshal's Office of the Lodzkie Region;
  • currently there are no specific provisions referring to LCA
    in the regional policy apart from the criteria for green public procurement and references in SRWŁ2030 (the main regulations referring to LCA are in national documents and they also cover regions).



  • promoting EU policies in favour of environment and resource efficiency;
  • promotion of social activities and attitudes that favour bioeconomy and RES development in the region;
  • implementation of national policy concerning the introduction of a circular economy model;
  • openness to changes and new ideas thanks to the recruitment of young staff in LR;
  • creation of a regional development strategy by LR (e.g. Regional Development Strategy), which may include provisions concerning LCA;
  • the region authorities' efforts to introduce modern and innovative regulatory instruments;
  • consider including provisions relating to LCA in the criteria for awarding projects under of the regional programme for 2021-2027;
  • Increased introduction of topics and subjects concerning LCA at universities, especially at the Technical University of Lodz.
  •  vulnerability to political change
    and consequent possible changes in staffing, pace, direction or priorities of regional policy development;
  • limited allocation for LCA support activities or existence of other current or future urgent environmental needs for which the allocation can be re-allocated.