Since last summer, the LCA4regions partners are busy implementing their Action Plan to bring transformation at local level. Where do they currently stand? Are there already some visible improvements?

Lombardy Region tells us more about the changes that started to appear in Lombardy following the LCA4Regions Action Plan.

Can you summarize your Action Plan in one or two sentences? 

Through our Action Plan we have been driving our institution to take advantage of the life cycle approach potentialities in supporting regional actions towards sustainability, thinking of it as a tool for the sustainable and circular improvement of value chains and for orienting and stimulating sustainable innovation.

What have you already implemented?

We have been developing a dialogue with regional executives and policy officers for several months to find the best way to bring into policies under their responsibility the effectiveness of life cycle tools. We have already tailored life cycle approach into the drafts of two calls for projects, funded by the ERDF-RP 2021-2027, specific objective 2.6 (Circular Economy). In these calls life cycle approach is though as a tool for increasing the quality, the innovation and the score of projects devoted to circular economy and to check and stimulate the sustainability of built-environment projects and the related built-environment value chains.

Do you already have some first evaluation? How are the changes brought by the Action Plan welcomed by the policy officers?

Thanks to the dialogues we had, the policy officers understood the positive role of LCA, to increase the quality and the effectiveness of policies in terms of transparency and sustainability. These can be a kind of bridgehead towards a further use of the approach.

The necessity of dealing with life cycle approach in the project was a kind of trigger to stimulate the entry of life cycle approach in the decision support systems of our administration.