Taking a walk by night is initially very challenging for our eyes. However, when you get used to the absence of light, it becomes easier to perceive the surroundings and find our way around.

This somehow recalls the impact of COVID-19 on POTEnT. Indeed, predictions on physical visits and events, with the whole world locked down, were as hard months ago as they are now. However, all Potenters keep showing up that, step by step and try by try, it is possible to constantly adapt partners’ learning needs to the pandemic restrictions.

As such, this is how we arrived to PMG4: adapting the working plan, trying online visits, showing resilience in anticipating the RAP.

On Thursday 11th March 2021, the fourth project management group meeting was held. Priorities in the agenda were: the renewal of the Regional Action Plan (RAP) map, study visits, upgrading good practices, communication and pilot actions.

The new contact person for ALOEN, Benjamin, was welcomed with enthusiasm by the team.

Following the agenda, the first part of the meeting focused on RAP maps. The purpose of these maps should come in handy to every partner to orient their objectives according to their experience in POTEnT. Therefore, each partner should make the best of the next visits to redesign their learning needs and renew each map by the end of May.

Next topic for interregional learning was future study visits. Hands on the agendas, participants cross-matched their schedules to fix the next visits from the end of March to the end of April. This desk work revealed itself harder than expected, almost comparable to advanced sudoku.

Afterwards, additional homework was added: a revision of the Good Practices Register with an in-depth update of one practice per partner by the end of April. As a result, the shape of POTEnT’s interregional learning is getting clearer and transposed into concrete and tangible material.

To relax before the end of the meeting, participants watched the new project video on energy transition, welcomed with enthusiasm from several partners. Every Potenter will translate subtitles in their own language, to fully localize the video in their country.


In addition, the Project Secretariat cunningly waited the right moment to state a thrilling news: every partner is allowed to propose a pilot action with an estimated budget between 10 000 and 80 000 euros by 19 March. These pilots will be possible due to the project underspending.

A quick overlook of the progress report followed. Indeed, upon reviewing participants’ reports, no concerns have been noted. This means green light, the project goes on.

Good luck to all Potenters and see you on Monday 26th April for the next PMG.