Project News

5th Demo Day in Thessaloniki- Ecosystem expands


The 5th Demo Day was organized in the context of Digital Greece, an initiative...

Type: Project

OK!Thess-Demo Days in Thessaloniki


Ok!Thess invites startups from Greece and abroad, wishing to present their...

Type: Project

Region of Central Macedonia: e-upgrade for Chambers


The Region of Central Macedonia is proceeding in upgrading the information...

Type: Project

Pilot Action approved


A Pilot Action has been approved on 10th July 2019 in the context of PURE...

Type: Project

Region of Central Macedonia:Technology Vouchers SMEs


Technology Vouchers for SMEs in the Region of Central Macedonia.

Type: Project

One stop Liaison office, Region of Central Macedonia


The “mechanism for the support of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship EcoSystem”...

Type: Project

Co-working spaces in RCM - new working concept


Co working spaces seem to be the new flexible working way for startups. They are...

Type: Project

PURE COSMOS project Regional Conference in Barcelona


The Business Management Office organized the Regional Conference of PURE COSMOS:...

Type: Project

Regional Stakeholder Group Meeting in ÚSTI Region


The meeting of the Regional stakeholders group in the Ústí Region was held with...

Type: Project

Ústí Region supports the starting companies


The ChilliDoctor limited liability company has been established in Ústí nad...

Type: Project

PURE COSMOS partner meeting 6 in Thessaloniki


The 6th Project meeting, organized by ANATOLIKI SA-Greece, took place in...

Type: Project

Support of starting entrepreneurs in the Ústí Region


Ústí Region launched the regional programme “Support of starting entrepreneurs...

Type: Project