The TITTAN project keeps on digging, last week. 

According to the planning, a new Interregional Workshop (part 2 of INSIDE-OUT Innovation) of the TITTAN European project took place in the cities of Amsterdam and Almere from 29 to 31 May. 

There were three intense days of work, with presentations of good practices from TITTAN Partners, and their local stakeholders. Besides, there were in situ visits prepared by the host as examples of innovative initiatives in both cities, Amsterdam and Almere, as well as meetings for monitoring, coordinating and planning the TITTAN project agenda next months.  

On the first day, together with best practices, some stakeholders announced their projects: betting on innovation in the field of nutrition, for a healthy ageing and others were based in cutting edge technology coming from Galica, the Basque Country and Lower Silesia. After that, all of us participated in a in situ visit at the A-Lab Amsterdam: a coworking space where they mix equally creativity and technology.  

The second day, was choosen for the presentation of the rest of good practices from Galicia, Scotland, Saxony and Lower Silesia. Tuesday's work was completed with in situ visits to various innovative initiatives in Almere, such as HealthFactory (living lab), Big Data Value Center (data Intelligence) or Senior Live (social innovation).

The Amsterdam DataLab was the place choosen for the last session of the workshop, to review the progress and the work of the TITTAN project, as well as to plan in situ visits for the second thematic area during this semester and the next events to be celebrated in Scotland and Saxony (referred to the third line of the project: active citizenship).