On the 27th of September the TITTAN COVID19 partners were joined by over 20 stakeholders from across Europe for the Final Conference of the project. It was a hybrid event in which 3 of the partners were able to participate in person and the other two online.

Hosted by the Galician Health and Knowledge Agency (Lead) in Santiago de Compostela, the title of the High level event was "COVID-19 & THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE".

In this Final Conference the project partners will show and share the lessons learned during the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. They will also deepen in practices that have been key in this fight in each of the regions: Galicia (lead partner), Basque Country, Saxony, Lombardy, and Scotland.

It was a great opportunity to conclude the TITTAN project that has been sharing experiences and lessons learned in the field of health innovation for 6 years.

This is a summary of the interventions


    • Good practices in response to Covid-19 and the vaccination strategypresented by Carmen Durán Parrondo - General Director of Public Health, Galician Regional Ministry of Health.

Basque Country

    • Good practices in response to Covid-19, Teleconsultations and videocalls in Osakidetzapresented by Sergio Cardoso Martín -Project Manager in the Basque Foundation of Health Innovation an Research (BIOEF) and Igor Zabala -Head of Integration of Care and Chronicity Service (SIAC). Osakidetza


    • Good practices in response to Covid-19, the first weeks of the pandemic in the first European region to be severely affectedpresented by Pierachille Santus - Full Professor in Respiratory Medicine at the University of Milano and Head of Respiratory Division at “L. Sacco” University Hospital-ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco Milano. Member of the Lombardy crisis unit during the covid-19 pandemic.


    • Good practices in response to Covid-19: Regional hospital clustering in a healthcare system with independent hospitalspresented by Dr. Olaf Mueller - Healthy Saxony


    • Good practices in response to Covid-19: Decision Support COVID 19presented by Ann Wales, Programme Lead, Knowledge and Decision Support

After the partners presentations, a productive debate involving all partners took place. The topic discussed was “Interregional cooperation experiences and lessons learned after 6 years of TITTAN project.”

Julio García Comesaña, Galician Regional Minister of Health closed the event and and thanked the great work of exchange throughout the life of the project.

**The workshop can be viewed here:


TITTAN COVID19 Project Partners

The TITTAN COVID19 Project Partners are:

    • Galician Health and Knowledge Agency (Lead),

    • Basque Foundation for Health, Research and Innovation,

    • Regionl Foundation for Biomedical Research,

    • Healthy Saxony,

    • Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre