Last week, from 2nd to 4th October, a new TITTAN Interregional Workshop took place, this time in Edinburgh. The TITTAN Workshop overlapped with the 2017 BCS Health Scotland Conference. During three intense days of work, TITTAN started the thematic Area 3 (TA3) “ACTIVE CITIZENS” in which we talked about the best way to raise citizen´s awareness using new technologies to improve life expectancy and quality of life for citizens, besides deepened in new models of organization improving the efficiency. Another topics were new lifestyle models, prevention practices, etc.

On the first day, together with best practices, some stakeholders announced their projects for TA3, based in cutting edge digital technology coming from Scotland, the Basque Country and Lower Silesia or social innovation from Almere. It was discissed specific Scotland case studies. In the afternoon session we made the review of the progress, monitoring, coordinating and planning of the TITTAN project agenda next months.

The second day, it was presented Good Practices about eHealth & Self Management, tecnology-Enabled care and Technology-Enabled Care and eHealth Strategy.The presentations came from Scotland, Lombardy and Galicia, Saxony and Lower Silesia. Here were presented amaizing Good Practices such as SHIL, E-Saude, etc. George Crooks made and incredible overview about digital tools and services in Health and Care.

-The third day, was choosen for the presentation of the rest of good practices from the Basque Country, Scotland, Saxony, Almere and Lower Silesia. We talked about new ways for cognitive and motor rehabilitation, with KINEAGE a 3D games for instance, or how to made a city more age friendly, etc. 

Besides, prepared by the host, the following days 5th and 6th October, we could joined the in situ visits from Thematic Area 2 “IN-OUTSIDE”, that let the participants to know local examples of innovative initiatives such as ALISS that creates a a new full-time specialist role, "CLP" works with people in the GP practice on a one-to-one basis to help identify and address issues negatively impacting their wellbeing and co-produce solutions (not necessarily clinical) and works in network with local community resources to support the development of their capacity and identify any gaps in local service provision; or SHIL that acts as a technology transfer and commercialisation body for NHS, etc.

It was five days of work, with collaborative exchange and discussions and analyzing the presentation of Best Practises through Q&A. The European project TITTAN (Interreg Europe) aims to create a network of exchange, innovation and technology transfer for aging, where Galicia (lead partner), Basque Country, Scotland, The Almere City, Lombardy, Saxony and Lower Silesia are the TITTAN Partners; all of them accompanied by local stakeholders from their regions.