Whether linked to waste management or any other field, policy-making is a complex process involving a variety of organisations beyond the one responsible for the policy. The Interreg Europe highlights that the “chance of achieving a policy improvement can increase if all these organisations get involved in the interregional learning process”.

The WINPOL partners support such cooperation and open communication by setting up stakeholder groups in their territories. Members of the Stakeholder Groups therefore have a unique opportunity to get involved in the WINPOL project and contribute to drive the project objectives towards success.

A total of six Stakeholder Groups are constituted in each of the partner territories: in Gijón (Spain), Antwerp (Belgium), Malta, Crete (Greece), Maribor (Slovenia) and Mehedinti County (Romania). Each group will be meeting once per semester during the first 2,5 years of the project. Members can share their expertise and know-how in the different stages of the project. In addition, they will participate in elaborating and reviewing some of the project’s outputs such as the good practices and monitoring the implementation of the Action Plans. This will be key to ensure that the policy improvements intended by WINPOL are successfully implemented.

The first Stakeholder Group meetings with invited stakeholders took place already during the first semester of WINPOL. The groups can be enlarged with new stakeholders as the project develops. If you are interested in joining a Stakeholder Group, please contact [email protected]