After “collection and use of information to optimise waste management” and “innovative models for waste collection, prevention, and reuse and recycling”, there is one last topic for WINPOL partners to explore. And not the easiest one! A third thematic seminar in May 2020, hosted by the region of Crete, will be tackling the topic of innovative tarification.

A final study visit is also on the menu. The city of Bergen (Norway) has invited the WINPOL project to show them in situ the smart processes integrated in their waste management system: big data and pay-as-you-throw are here again at work. Another must-see will be the pneumatic collection which is being installed in the entire city.

Once this final exchange of experiences and study visit will be over, practices will be imported, exported, transferred, analysed… Partners will have the opportunity to organise bilateral meetings with practices, or rather territories, that caught their attention. It might not be easy as the database of identified good practices is vast… but luckily partners can rely on their stakeholders who will support them in selecting the practices that could be imported locally. When required, this work will be complemented by technical and feasibility studies.