Between 1 November 2016 and 30 April 2020, the Municipality of Maribor as the lead partner and ten project partners from five EU Member States, led the GREENCYCLE project. The objective was to create a model for establishing a circular economy system as a way to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction in the cities. In the course of the project, Maribor was one of the first municipalities in this part of Europe to adopt a circular economy strategy, by the city council. Entitled, Strategy for the transition to circular economy in the Municipality of Maribor, it is a fundamental document for the future development orientation of the city.

The GREENCYCLE project shares common aspects with the WINPOL project. It is precisely because of the intersection of both projects, that Snaga joined the closing conference of GREENCYCLE, organised by Maribor on 5 March 2020.  There, the good practices met by the WINPOL partners were presented.

At the workshops accompanying the closing conference, Darko Bečaj presented to the GREENCYCLE project partners the basic idea of the WINPOL project, and later the partners identified how the good practices of one project and Greencycle could be integrated and expanded in the area of the circular economy. This event also allowed Snaga to establish new collaborations beyond the WINPOL network that will benefit both the project's development and Snaga's activities over the long term.