During the WINPOL Third Thematic Seminar focusing on innovative tarification, the LIFE Rethink Waste project presented one of its first results, a catalogue of good practices in PAYT and KAYT. This compilation of 12 cases, using taxation, information, and technology to improve waste performances, is now available for download!

It covers cities ranging from municipalities with a few thousand inhabitants like Argentona (ES) and Miglianico (IT) to medium-sized cities like Parma and Bergamo (IT) and to European metropoles like Berlin (DE). A set of nine cluster projects - including WINPOL! - accompany the description of these experiences to frame them in a broader context.

Each  factsheet  follows  a  similar  structure  highlighting  the  main aspects in terms of:

  • scheme design: how the new system has been intro-duced in the time;
  • communication: the main activites that took place to involve citizes and businesses in the transition;
  • advantages: the positive aspects that helped and fos-tered the introduction of the new system;
  • challenges: the problems that had been overcome thanks to the PAYT/KAYT scheme;
  • costs: the specif costs needed for the introduction of the system;
  • benefits: the results achieved in terms of economical saving and the sorting rate;
  • contact: useful links and email addresses to get more information.

Two of the practices included in the catalogue, Argentona and Seveso, were also featured during the Third Thematic Seminar. So just be patient and in a couple of months you will be able to discover them also in our Good Practices database!