Survey: Covid-impacts on SMEs or business support
How has Covid impacted SMEs? help us gather early insights by answering this survey – either as an SME or as a business support organisation
As a reference programme for European regional policymakers we support our community of 17 000 members for a fast recovery from the global COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. On this page, you will find information about how we can help you and how you can get involved. Have a look at:
Our good practice database is full of solutions from across Europe that our Policy Learning Platform experts have validated. We are in contact with our good practice owners to tell us which of their good practices can help regions mitigate the social, economic and environmental effects of the outbreak.
You can search our database using the keyword COVID-19 to find them. Also, please share your own know-how, experience and good practices to get involved.
Over the past few months, we have been hosting a series of online events to address the challenges the pandemic has created.
On 9 June 2020, we met up for a special, online edition of Europe, let's cooperate. We talked about how working together and sharing solutions between regions can help us face the crisis and speed up recovery.
The Policy Learning Platform also hosted a series of webinars and online discussions. Why not contact them and suggest other topics you woud like to tackle. Email the Platform
Our team of experts from the Policy Learning Platform is prioritising support and advice to public authorities dealing with COVID-19 matters. Get personalised advice on your regional challenge:
We are fully aware of the difficulties projects face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason we put in place several measures to help you.
We've received many questions from you about different types of eligible costs (staff, administration, travel, etc.). So we've put together a list of answers to your frequently asked questions.
Find the latest COVID-19 news published by us, our projects and other institutions
How has Covid impacted SMEs? help us gather early insights by answering this survey – either as an SME or as a business support organisation
EIS partners receive further funding to explore the impacts of Covid-19 on internationalisation of SMEs
Learnings from the ITHACA project made Liverpool capable to adapt a telehealth service to covid patients during the pandemic.
The responses to COVID-19 have resulted in increased use of certain products made from long-lasting single-use plastics, according to a new EEA briefing.
COVID Alert Malta is an app that helps us fight the COVID-19 epidemic
Watch Sofia Mackin from Regional Council of Västernorrland (Sweden) about the impact of COVID19 in the Action Plan implementation in their region.
The Irish government publishes the National Recovery and Resilience Plan which outlines how they plan to invest €915million over the coming years
Covid 19: More than 1000 business ideas develop in the digital program in Møre and Romsdal
May-Britt Roald, Program manager entrepreneurship, hoppid.no...
OSS Covid Newsletter
How entrepreneurs were supported during the pandemic in our regions?
Currently, restrictions on the Covid19 pandemic are being relaxed in...
Liquidity grants for Small Businesses
What kind of support did RRDA offer to support entrepreneurs from Podkarpackie Voivodeship?
The Covid situation in Poland and Podkarpackie Voivodeship
How has entrepreneurship changed during the pandemic?
Data collected by the Statistical Offic
Slovenia responded to the COVID-19 crisis similarly to other EU countries, i.e. with extensive fiscal packages
Watch Martina di Costanzo from ANEA talking about how health companies had to slow down work on energy efficiency improvements in hospitals of Campania region.
According to the Spanish Entrepreneurship Observatory, which has done a report led by the University of Granada,
Another Good Practice related to the Covid crisis was the presentation of Bulgarian ClubHouse.
We are proud of being able to continue our project in all the 5 partner regions 'against all odds'. This period has brought several challenges and uncertainti..
Norway in the time of crisis
What's the economic situation in Norway, and what restrictions are kept there because of Covid-19?
According to the data of the
Covid and the impact on the OSS consortium
Since March 2020 all OSS partners have been under various lockdowns...
What to do if your company suddenly closes its doors and cannot open them again?
Restaurants, cinemas, fitness centers… Well, the only thing you can do, is ...
Watch Ainara Amundarain from Fomento de San Sebastian talking about how is COVID-19 crisis affecting in the Action Plan implementation in San Sebastian.
OSS Covid online meeting
What are the most important measures to fight the Covid crisis in our regions?
As you remember, on 23 March 2021, we run a special me...
An article about two ladies involved at enhancing the possibilities of smart ICT
Read our latest article on the ACR+ report and the impact of the pandemic on waste services in cities across Europe.
Stakeholder involvement: with creativity, flexibility and a high level of cultural sensitivity through the corona pandemic
Global trends indicate that SMEs will have to pay more attention to unforeseen crises, but only a minority of manufacturing SMEs are moving in this direction.
The Recovery and Resilience Facility is to give the SME Strategy new impetus through investments in environment, and digital initiatives.
Investment in design support will be key in the effort to build back better businesses and communities.
In Podkarpackie Region, economic situation is changing all the time. As in the whole world, pandemic caused some problems to entrepreneurs. Read some examples
New STEP and KPMG report shows that family businesses' specific characteristics & actions made them more resilient to the economic shock induced by Covid-19
Before COVID-19, the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) title has been the driving force of increase tourism, both in the title year and the years that follow..
Award-winning Voucher Schemes assist traditional enterprises to combat the impact of COVID-19
A new Report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation highlights overall benefits of a Circular Economy Recovery Strategy for policymakers.
New study highlights challenges of CCSs in post-Covid Europe! The study also analyses the policy responses that are formulated to support the sectors...
The COVID-19 pandemic hit hard on world economy but there are two sectors which, all over the world, have been hit harder than any others: tourism and culture..
As COVID-19 came at the beginning of our second semester, all interregional – and even local – exchanges migrate online. Here is how...
OECD Roundtable on SME digitalisation and responses to Covid-19
A series of articles exploring how the unique characteristics of family businesses creating authentic opportunities for resilience, growth, and recovery.
On 23 December 2020, the European Commission approved program for supporting Polish SMEs that meet financial problems because of COVID-19 pandemic.
Last month, the OECD held a webinar on “Cultural participation and local resilience: Strategies for the recovery”. Their session “Covid-19 and festivals: ...
PwC published in 2020 its recommendations to family businesses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We're working on launching a specific call for our approved projects to exchange experience on how COVID-19 impacts the issues they address.
New policy brief addresses current challenges to the tourism sector
Adaptation of Castilla y León Innovation Ecosystems to the Covid-19 Health Emergency Situation
The pandemic has not made life more difficult for social entrepreneurs but it may be a means to further their role in the future.
Sofia Public-Private Fund for Innovations launches a new funding scheme to support microenterprises and social enterprises in the post the COVID-19 crisis
EDIOP Measures to contain the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary
STAR Cities unveils its strategy in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemy
ITHACA partners met online to exchange best practices on telehealth, scaling of innovation and innovation in Living Labs.
From research data on how the automotive industry is reacting to the change due to the pandemic, Calabria was found to be an environmentally conscious region.
Interviews with partners gave insights into the project impact as well as the future of heritage.
Discover the outcomes and take-aways from the online discussion on retooling economic developments and the cultural sector after the pandemic
In the context of the actions dedicated to the mitigation of the Covid-19 crisis, the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is organizing the online discussi...
The European project MOMAr (Models of Management for Singular Rural Heritage) of Interreg Europe held its second Interregional meeting.
Cultural and creative sector in Timisoara and its region, impacts of COVID-19, and ways to develop the sector in the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) ...
Watch our storytelling video!
Ageing was on the agenda of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the annual event where regions and cities showcase their experiences
CARPE DIGEM partners and stakeholders will explore how digital Innovation reinforced by local and international cooperation can help tourism to evolve now
Identify with us the reasons why female entrepreneurs have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rijeka’s third Local Learning Labs (LLL) were held in May and July, when the 2020 Capital of Culture reopened to an eventful summer. Participants examined the...
What has been the impact of COVID-19 on regions and cities? How can cooperation help to find solutions for recovery? See our answers from #EURegionsWeek.
The Covid-19 pandemic and the following shut-down of society, resulted in a temporary dip in the emissions. 6 months later, the emissions are increasing.
Building on the excellent results it achieved within the TRINNO project, WestBIC from Ireland was invited as a speaker at the Interreg Europe online discussion
The COVID-19 pandemic forced a grand work-from-home experiment on finance. But is an all-remote team really the future?
The CD-ETA project explains how applying digital solutions to cultural heritage can help communities connect during difficult times.
What is #NextGenerationEU and how to navigate it when you work in the cultural and creative sectors?
The European Commission defines support to Circular Economy a priority in Member States Recovery Plans
On 15 September, the Policy Learning Platform organised an online discussion on the digitalisation of traditional sectors.
The Croatian government announced new economic measures to alleviate the impact of COVID-19, specifically with tax exemptions and monthly aids to preserve jobs.
KEA unveils interactive visualization on national measures to mitigate the COVID-19 impact on CCS.
The Interreg Europe Monitoring Committee has recently approved a series of measures to increase flexibility and allow additional activities for projects.
Ana Martinez Pinilla from the FINERPOL project explains how financial instruments can help boost your region’s COVID-19 recovery.
The Maramures’ Action Plan developed within FC4EU project supports the implementation of ”Good of Maramures” – “Bun de Maramures” labeling system
Covid-19 pandemic still takes control over the whole world. Everyone try tofight the bad influence on the economy as well as they try to fight the virus itself....
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission published a report on the effects of COVID-19 on cultural employment and tourism, and how the European Unio...
The TRINNO project explains how a voucher scheme in Slovenia has been key to helping SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Finding information, partners and solutions – Platforms to help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.
As venture capital funding dries up, revenue-based financing is looking increasingly attractive for many startups.
‘Quarantraining’ is an innovative e-learning course offering exercises that can be done at home and is available for everyone.
How have Interreg Europe projects managed to adapt and move their activities online during the COVID-19 crisis? Here are some examples.
STRIA attended two webinars centred on how the virus situation affected the agri-food chain
On 23 July 2020, the Policy Learning Platform organised an online meeting for local and regional policymakers.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the world in early 2020, local markets and regional agriculture have become more relevant.
Emilia-Romagna Region has been at the forefront of the outburst of the epidemic in Europe. Here is a brief overview about their responses to the situation.
On July 2, 2020, the Regional Development Agency S.A organised its fourth stakeholders meeting in Zielona Gora
Romania has launched the National Plan for Investments and Economic Recovery to assist SMEs and hardly-hit sectors such as hospitality and tourism ....
Interregional cooperation forum | Online | Special edition 2020
On 24th June, the panel for the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) 2026 announced the cities to proceed to the second and final bidding round...
Main conclusions emerged from the virtual event “Sustainable Mobility&COVID-19: Crisis or Opportunity?”
On 16 July, the Policy Learning Platform organised an online discussion on the topic Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health.
Adaptation of Castilla y León Innovation Ecosystems to the Covid-19 Health Emergency Situation
Following the stories on how COVID-19 has affected Matera, Rijeka and Timisoara at our Open Seminar “Continuing, restarting and adjusting amidst COVID-19”, ...
European Capital of Culture (ECoC) is anticipated to draw visitors, revenues and employment to crown cities. However, since March, travels are restricted, resou...
On 7 July, the Policy Learning Platform hosted an online discussion on the topic of safety in public transport in times of COVID-19.
Wallimage closes its 100th call for projects and invests €1 million in new COVID-19 funding for Wallonia’s audiovisual industry.
Discover some of the fintech startups taking part in Finance Forward Europe program!
Participate in a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on waste management system.
Read the interview with Paolo Marengo, Program Manager at ACR+, about the impact of COVID-19 on waste collection and management.
Read about the recovery plan to return Europe to growth while tackling long-term challenges.
Digital technologies and museums: discover experiences and opportunities in the post-pandemic period.
The Centre-Val de Loire's quick reactions to help the companies to pull through the Covid-19 crisis.
The first opportunity since COVID-19 for a direct dialogue of the Cultural and Creative Sectors with the EC, the EP and the Council!
How our ECoC cities processed, adapted to, and reinvented themselves to the “new normal"...
The Lower Austria Business Agency published a short movie about it actions during time of Corona-Covid19-Situation in Austria.
The recovery of Nokia mobile phone business exit and how the shock build Oulu more resilient society was presented in “Building resilient economies” webinar
“Sustainable Mobility and Covid-19 Crisis or Opportunity?” will be organized by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on Thursday 18th June 2020.
We answer some of your frequently asked questions about the eligibility of certain costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read several reports that offer insights on the COVID-19 territorial and economic impacts on European regions.
The EU biodiversity strategy for 2030: an urgent call for action that aspires to set Europe’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030.
The European Committee of the Regions has set up an online exchange platform to help local and regional authorities fight against the COVID-19 crisis.
Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire counties developed and delivered a tailored package of support to the needs of Scaleup enterprises.
Partners from Upper Austria and South Bohemia have been working cooperatively to develop innovative COVID solutions.
We all face the problems of COVID-19 and different islands handle this in their own special way.
Here is how COVID-19 could be starting a cycling revolution in the streets of Brussels.
SRC Bistra Ptuj, along with School Center Ptuj organized the Entrepreneurial Challenge for Youth 2020 which took place digitally via the Zoom video platform.
The COVID-19 crisis has affected all regions across Europe. Get involved now and share solutions for the COVID-19 recovery.
Actions taken by regional development and structural funds in Lapland to react to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Artists in coronavirus lockdown are making the leap to digital...
Future pandemics are likely to happen more frequently, spread more rapidly and have greater economic impact. Policy makers should react now.
The Scale Up project we compiled a list of the economic responses being taken by the partners of the consortium
Two calls launghed by RoP Centro together with OP of Portugal to ease the effects of Covid-19.
This is an overview of Slovenian measures to mitigate the economic impact of Covid-19 epidemic, designed to help SMEs.
How cooperating for innovations can support the regions for the new work scene?
Digital innovators in Madeira are leading in innovation projects to fight COVID-19
A special Irish Government sitting has agreed a suite of measures to support industry negatively impacted by Covid-19 as they re-open doors.
EU for Social Economy &Social Enterprises has initiated an initiative to figh COVID-19
Companies from the "Aeropolis" Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park have joined the fight against coronavirus. Helmets, among others, are produced near Rzes...
Older people have been particularly vulnerable since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.
The impact of COVID-19 is being felt by a number of companies and across all business sectors in the West Midlands region.
COVID-19 impacts in Abruzzo region. Will the industry rise again?
Evaluate your health and receive instructions and recommendations on COVID-19 with the official application of the Government of Spain
A Hungarian clothing factory facing bankruptcy, but mask sewing saved them.
The impact of COVID19 is being felt by the regional (and national) SME’s, with a strong impact on revenue, growth and employment in Algarve region.
Management-driven multiservice stores win customers and some have had to hire assistants. Moreover, they target home delivery.
Academic institutes and key industry players collaborate to produce key lysis buffer integral to testing for COVID-19.
Early Warning Europe is providing new legal tools to rescue viable businesses in distress and given honest but bankrupt entrepreneurs a second chance.
Waste shipment in the EU, maintaining the "green lanes" in the EU during COVID-19 crisis.
Here are our top tips to help you make sure that your next online event is as successful as a physical one.
The recording of our webinar (25 March) with tips for online meetings is now available. Have a look and get inspiration for your online activities!
The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are already economically affected by the spread of the coronavirus.
ACR+ started gathering data on the different systems and solutions implemented across Europe to manage municipal waste during the COVID-19 pandemic.
See our recommendations for Interreg Europe projects about the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on planned meetings and events.
No quarantine on the internet is the national initiative designed to help Lithuanian SMEs to survive during quarantine and to be successful on the Internet.
Find the latest COVID-19 events hosted by us, our projects and other institutions
The ECoC-SME project invites you to our final Open Seminar on June 10th on:
“Resilience of regions and European Capitals of Culture through community and bus..
FOUNDATION Project Webinar - Academia and Economic Resilience: What Role do Academics Play?
Covid-19 pandemic isn't over yet. Many initiatives in Europe are run to help entrepreneurs to fight the crisis caused by the pandemic,
That's why we're workin...
Policies to develop entrepreneurship and innovative SMEs in rural areas
ON-LINE. 19th March 2021. 10:00 – 12:30 CET
"A new role for culture and creativity:from the pandemic crisis to the future EU programming period", online event dedicated to the link between CCI and COVID19
ESPON Conference Week on Ageing // Adapting European Cities to Population Ageing: Policy Challenges and Best Practices
On 18-19 November, ESPON organises a series of online activities to discuss the just transition and recover in cities and regions.
Our project will be introduced on WE4AHA thematic workshop on „e-Health and Telemedicine solutions empowering centre care of the person: what’s been going on?”
The 1st Borders Forum takes place on 9-10 November online, aiming to put the spotlights on territories affected by the health crisis and closing of borders.
On 17 November, the Policy Learning Platform is hosting an online discussion on 'Retooling' economic development and cultural sector after the Pandemic.
CARPE DIGEM partners and stakeholders will explore how digital innovation helping tourism and its value chain to become more resilient
Adapting to demographic change in Europe in the 2020s
MARIE is once again part of the amazing Responsible Innovation Summit. This year it is all on-line, with two days of key note speeches, panels and networking.
Prague, Czech Republic
3rd International Conference on e-Health and Healthcare Innovation
The Foundation consortium are sharing good practices from across their regions at the 'Policy Support for Individual Firms Resilience' workshop
We have a pleasure to invite you to a series of online meetings on redesigning the world after the pandemic hosted by our Galician partner GAIN
DG CONNECT is delighted to invite you ‘Back to CONNECT University’ from 21stSeptember until 2ndOctober for a top-class learning opportunity with digital health.
On 15 September, the Policy Learning Platform is organising an online discussion on the digitalisation of traditional sectors.
Join the online discussion on Tourism and Cultural and Creative Industries in the post COVID-19 period, organised by the Policy Learning Platform!
On 23 July, the Policy Learning Platform is organising an online discussion on European value chains.
Governmental emergency measures have helped the animation industry a lot during the pandemic. PROA proposes to explore further initiatives.
On 16 July, the Policy Learning Platform hosted an online discussion on the topic of artificial intelligence in health.
The Policy Learning Platform is organised an online discussion on the topic of public transport on 7 July 2020.
Join the webinar on the topic of cycling tourism on 30 June from 14:00 to 15:30 PM CEST and explore how to combine health aspects with the tourism industry.
Age-friendly housing in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
Going back to the new normal – The challenges and implications for regional transport systems and the widespread of sustainable MaaS in the post-pandemic era
Brussels, Belgium
23 to 25 June 2020 is dedicated to EU Sustainable Energy Week. The event happens entirely online, focused on green energy, green growth and recovery.
What the Coronavirus means for the Green Economy
The webinar "Covid 19 and the challenge of food autonomy: the case of the Mértola Food Network" will present Mértola, a successful business model related to u...
Join our interactive webinar and learn how to protect regional economies and ecosystems from shocks providing more than short-term solutions!
Joint COR-OECD webinar: The impact of the COVID-19 on EU regions and cities takes place on 16 June (15:00-16:30 CEST).
A webinar with a German enterprise representative. Part of a series of webinars held by Bavaria-Czech Republic ETC programmes.
In 2020, #europecooperates goes fully online. Be part of it and join us on 9 June - let's share solutions for recovery and resilient regions!
Vilnius, Lithuania
The Lithuanian Innovation Centre organised a Stakeholder Meeting in Vilnius on 4th June 2020.
A webinar with a Czech expert on the mask production process. Part of a series of webinars held by Bavaria-Czech Republic ETC programmes.
Due to the pandemic, ECoC-SME is remapping regional needs that have newly emerged in the fields of culture and cultural and creative industries – as well as c...
The European Commission holds a webinar focusing on the role of DIHs and Reference Sites in the Digital transformation of Health and Care in the EU.
Join the Policy Learning Platform on 15 May from 11:00 to 12:30 CEST for a webinar on biogas from organic waste. This webinar will show policymakers how anaerob...
The European Commission's 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge is hosting a series of webinars to help cities navigate the current crisis.
Join us on 12 May for a follow-up webinar about the online meetings for projects.
Webinar on 7 May focused on COVID-19 and what the current crisis is showing us about the ability of governments to respond to the unexpected in new ways.
The European Commission's 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge is hosting a series of webinars to help cities navigate the current crisis.
How making energy and mobility data public can increase the efficiency of public services and foster innovation.
The European Commission has launched the EU Hackaton EUvsVirus
Join our webinar on 25 March to see how to take your meetings online. We'll share some experiences, tips and advice for online meetings.
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