Marche Region's Action Plan aims to improve the regional Regional Waste Management Plan, which main objectives are to achieve optimal performance in terms of integrated management of municipal waste and to encourage the correct administration of special waste. The Regional Programme of Waste Prevention (RPWP) aims specifically at the prevention of urban waste.
This new Action Plan focuses on two key actions. The first one is to adopt a new management software shared by the regional network of Reuse Centres. This software will improve the monitoring capabilities of the regional authorities – but it will also respond to different needs expressed by stakeholders during the 2LIFES project, such as the need for Reuse Centres to provide efficient services; the need to monitor the reception, cataloguing, and flow of goods; and also the need to improve the connections between the Reuse Centres, therefore, strengthening the network.
The second key action is to develop a re-use valoriser training course to improve the management of the regional Reuse Centres network. Thanks to this new course in Marche Region, operators of Reuse Centres will acquire new skills and knowledge, including receiving training on the use of new digital tools, thus supporting their employability by creating added value for the individual’s curricula. In fact, the course will form a new professional figure which is currently absent in the region.
To develop this initiative, Marche Region drew inspiration from the waste valoriser training programme in Belgium, which focused on providing skills to adequately assess and give value to waste materials and re-usable products, therefore distributing them towards the appropriate re-use or recycling stream.
In the case of Marche Region, the re-use valoriser course will focus on various subjects and skills such as selecting and valorising items delivered to the centre to be re-used or prepared for re-use or how to improve the relationship with citizens. However, the training course will also place a strong emphasis on the use of new management software for Re-use Centres, so both actions are closely interlinked.
Upskilling and reskilling are essential to develop an inclusive circular economy that creates job and training opportunities for individuals distanced from the labour market. Therefore, this course will be an opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge, including the use of digital tools, thus supporting their employability by creating added value for the individual’s curricula.
The complete Action Plan can be found here.