Czech Republic (Česká Republika)

Scroll down for information about the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and about the first level control or ask directly Interreg Europe representative in Czech Republic (Česká Republika).


  • Ministry of Regional Development
  • Staromestske nam. 6
    Office: Letenska 3
  • Prague 1 110 15
  • Czech Republic (Česká Republika)
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Country-specific information

First level control information

This section provides information on the system set up for first level control in your country. Any costs associated with this control are indicated so they can be planned for in any project budget.

The system

The Czech Republic has opted for a centralised first level control system. Expenditure of Czech project partners will thus have to be checked and confirmed by the following body:

Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “Centre”)
Department of European Territorial Cooperation.
U Nákladového nádraží 3144/4, 130 00 Praha 3

Contact person:
Markéta Weingärtnerová
Unit of administration and ETC project control
Phone: +420 225 855 231
E-mail: [email protected]

This body has two regional offices. The first level control will be performed by the regional offices of the Centre depending on the region where the partner is located. Contact details of the regional offices are available below.

Project partners located in Bohemia:

Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic – regional office NUTS II Severovýchod – Hradec Králové

Contact person:
Petra Marková
Head of the regional office
Phone: +420 499 420 620
E-mail: [email protected]
Address and all contact details can be found here

Project partners located in Moravia and Silesia:

Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic – regional office NUTS II Moravskoslezsko - Ostrava

Contact person:
Irena Kirchnerová
Head of the regional office
Phone: +420 597 570 933
E-mail: [email protected]
Address and all contact details can be found here

The project partners are asked to submit their progress report to the first level control body for verification and confirmation within 15 days after the end of each reporting period.

Based on the good practice used for verification of expenditure in the Czech Republic for previous programme Interreg IVC,  all Czech project partners can submit expenditure for verification to controllers only if the amount of the expenditures is above 7.500€ and/or at least once a year.
Czech project partners can submit expenditures for verification to controllers also below 7.500€ threshold. However in this case they first need to get an approval by the respective controllers. Notwithstanding the financial threshold, Czech project partners have to submit partner report (activity part) every reporting period.

The costs

The above-mentioned body will perform the first level control free of charge to Czech project partners.

On-the-spot checks

The first level control body will organise on-the-spot-checks on a sample basis using a risk-based approach. In addition, Czech Lead Partners will be checked at least once during the project lifetime. The on-the-spot-checks can be performed only after the submission of the first request for expenditure certification and no later than the date of the submission of the last request for expenditure certification.

Guidance for Czech Beneficiaries (Pokyny pro příjemce ke kontrole) were published on national level in order to help partners through the control process. The guidance can be downloaded here in the section „Dokumenty“, „Pokyny pro příjemce“